Thursday, October 17, 2013

Time to Fix The Bridge! ***Quest SPOILER!!!***

Howdy guys! Sorry for not updating in the past couple of days. I've been really busy working on a surprise video on my channel for you guys :D! Anyways, yesterday, the quest to start fixing the broken bridge in Nilmer's Highland was released! I'm super excited!


 On the first day, we had to gather some wood from the Abandoned Farm to make some new planks for the bridge. After that, we had to assemble Donald's old machines. Then, we had to cut the boards with the saw, grate them, and put them in a special solution to  "pressure treat" them. This gave us four boards total.

 Next, we had to get some nails to secure them in place. We were sent out to collect the nails that fell out of Build Master Donald's truck. Unfortunately, they were all bent! Okay, so now we need some new nails. It turns out that Conrad, the Blacksmith, is just perfect for the job!

After riding out to Conrad and showing him the nails, we need to gather some Jorvik Iron from the Demascus Mine. This will make the nails as strong as ever!

After we come back with the iron, Conrad tells us that in order for the nails to be a strong as ever, the fire in his forge needs to burn hotter than ever. For this, we need some ash from the Garnok volcano. Conrad keeps the ash in a special "unmarked" box. You will find the box next to the tall fence.

Once Conrad puts the ash into the fire, he says that he'll need more wood. We have to ride up to the ledge behind his house 3 times to gather 3 logs. (Since my horse was carrying a heavy load, she could only trot.)

Yay! After putting the logs into the forge the nails are done. We ride back to Build Master Donald for him to inspect the nails.

It turns out that the nails are perfect, so now we can hammer them into the bridge. (I personally love the little "hammering" animation my character does when she's putting the nails in :D)

~ Quest Finished (For the day :D) ~

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just in Time...

Howdy guys! Guess why I'm super excited? My computer's disks have just finished defragmenting, and that means I can play Star Stable today!!!!!! :D I'm so happy! After being without SSO for 4 days, you can imagine how I feel. XD I'm really happy. Anyways, the quests to start fixing the bridge start tomorrow. SSO mentioned that the quests take a week to complete, so if we do them everyday, we'll be able to get in on opening day. I think SSO put a lot of work into making this for us, (as you can see by the pictures on their FB page.) so we should be grateful for it.

As you may have noticed, I recently put up a post about some of the new additions added to the side of Jorvik that we know. Well, I was looking through my notes and realized that I forgot to mention one thing. SSO has also added a bunch of sacks of cement scattered about Nilmer's Highland. Could these be used to fix the bridge? Let me know in the comments below!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Question: "My horse doesn't level up!"

I received a question from Dakota Sweetvalley. The question is:

- Hey! I've recently been training my horse; and when I click the person to complete the quest, my horse's XP bar isn't going up! Is this just a glitch for me or does this happen to everyone?

Very strange. Did you do several races? Is it still not going up after that? If the yellow XP bar won't move forward try checking your horse's info sheet. It should say the numeral value of the XP. If that doesn't go up after the completing the race I suggest you contact customer support. If the game is really laggy or glitchy, sometimes it moves up after a delay of a couple minutes. Just keep checking the numeral value of the XP every once in a while. Hope this helped Dakota! ;)

Almost Done!

Woot woot! My computer's scan is almost done! 8 more hours! Currently it is at  64%. Deep scans take FOREVER!! Anyways, It should be ready today. I wonder how sad my horses are... Anyways, So far, the top name chosen by you guys for my bay Andalusian stallion is Sunflower ;) I LOVE that name! Send me your favorite horse names and I'll include them in my "SSO Horse Names" list. ;) Thanks for reading, bye ;)

Question: "When do I begin my Soul Rider training?"

Howdy y'all! I just recently received a question from "Anonymous." (She didn't want to be mentioned) She asked:

- "When do I begin my Soul Rider training? I've seen a lot of youtube videos on it, but I'm still confused about exactly what level I start at.

Thank you for your question! I get asked this a lot. First of all, (like I said in my "When can I access GHV?" post) SSO is always adding new story quests into the story line. They aren't always tacked onto the end, but are sometimes mixed up into the middle. So, it might take longer for you than others. I started Soul Rider training when I just got to level 12. When I was about level 10, the story quests leading up to becoming a Soul Rider started. These are basically just leading you on, but keep in mind you're going to have to stay the night at a few places if you want this stage to go by fast. I hope this helped! Thanks for your question!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Question: "What are some tips to win championships?"

Howdy!!! How are you guys enjoying your Sunday? Today I have a question submitted by Jasmine Summerflower.

- "What are some tips to win championships?"

The answer is simple. But first, I'd suggest to see my page titled "Racing Tips." My two favorite tips are:
1. Practice, practice, practice!!! The people that usually win the championships participate every day. They take the time to learn the course and look for shortcuts. Almost every race has a shortcut. The experienced riders usually keep quiet about these, so you must figure them out yourself! ;)

2. Wear racing gear. I've seen so many people complain about not winning when their riding bareback in a cute outfit. There's nothing wrong with wearing nice, matching things, but they rarely have good stats. Some people even race on ponies, which are considerably slower than the normal horses. If you need some help about what racing gear is best, check out my "Best Racing Gear" page. It shows what I think is the best gear for the horse & rider.

Hope this helped Jasmine, thanks for your question!


Contact Us!

Howdy! As many people may see, I answer a lot of your questions about the game here. If you would like your question to be featured I the blog, jut shoot me a quick e-mail or comment. The address is I answer all of your questions individually, so that means I make a separate blog post for each question. I will mention your SSO name (or if you prefer your real name, let me know ;) in the post and take my time to answer your question thoroughly. (If you have a youtube channel I will mention that as well ;) I might even go and answer some other things related to your question. Bye for now!